Thursday, February 24, 2011

Le Sigh

Just when I thought Little Hawk was feeling better.....
He had a relatively good morning today, and even felt well enough to drink some coffee. The next thing I know, he starts throwing up and then got dizzy and fell off the couch.  Twice.
 Ensuing conversation:
Little Hawk: Honey! Call 911, I think I broke something!
Little Bird: What? What did you break? Where does it hurt?
Little Hawk: I don't know, but every time I move I hear something crunching!
Little Bird: Dear, you fell on a bag of corn chips.

Luckily, the corn chips did not need an ambulance.

I got him back up on the couch, with a rolled up blanket under the cushions so he couldn't fall off again. (yay for nurse skills!) I email my teacher that I may be late for class, and go to the kitchen to wash some dishes while I wait for his doctor to call. Now, remember that Post Concussive Disorder causes short term memory loss, so it's basically like having stage three Alzheimer's.  Naturally, Little Hawk dozed off, woke up, wondered why he was on the couch, and popped up into his chair again. Have I mentioned he's a paraplegic?
He rolls into the kitchen, scaring the liver out of me, and asks for some Sprite and a cold compress I put him back on the couch with orders NOT TO MOVE and then, finally, his doctor calls. While I am busy talking to his doctor, he sneaks off the couch again, only to have another dizzy spell and crack his forehead on the coffee table. I cut things short with the doctor, turn him on his side while he dry heaves, then put him to bed. Another email off to the teacher, and an emergency appointment with the local clinic.  Then, while I was on the phone with the clinic, he got up AGAIN.
I love him so much. I'm just terrified that he's going to fall and die.
No time to cry, I have a doctor's appointment to go to.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! It sounds like you need some help there. I hope all is better and things calm down for you a bit. Take care.
