Monday, February 7, 2011

Fighting the Grumpies

I am working on a new style of living, a new philosophy and approach to life, if you will. After coming to the realization that I had to take charge before the negativity took over, I started meditating on what things made me happy and how I could improve myself and the lives of those around me. Then I read a beautiful post by Sonia on Cozy Homemaking, and everything clicked.
I create my own happiness by making, by crafting.  I propagate that happiness by making these crafts for others, by thinking of what object a person needs, what would make someone happy and producing that object.  The joy I feel is the joy of sharing - if I make someone else happy, then I am happy too.
Therefore, I am rewriting my new year's resolutions. My new resolution is simple. Every day, I will work on some form of art project.* Every day, I will find a way to make someone smile. And every week, I will give someone something.

* Not hard, since I AM in art school.


  1. What are you working on today? Today, I shall make some hot chocolate and attempt to revise yet another novella.

  2. Still trying to finish those socks, and throwing lots og pottery bowls! C; hey there I missed you.

  3. aww... thanks. I have been hoping to keep up on on all the blogs linked this semester, so I hope I can reply on yours more often. I really need to schedule things.

  4. Gah, me too, especially since my main computer doesn't have Photoshop, so I am MUCH less likely to post pictures unless I am in my studio. I am so crazy busy right now, between Little Hawk being sick alla time, working on the weekends and school during the week.

  5. Thank you for this lovely post. What a positive outlook. I'll have to go to Sonia's blog and read her post. Thanks for stopping in at my blog too!
