Monday, March 14, 2011


Spring Break is finally here, and none too soon- I'm sick. Just the creeping crud, nothing serious, but I'm grouchy and have no energy. My sweet, sweet husband has been trying to pamper me as best he can, eating yogurt and hot dogs so I don't have to cook, trying to do some laundry for me, and, sweetest of all, every time I try to get up and do something he threatens to sit on me. So, here I am, exiled to recovery and knitting up a pair of socks for myself.

The weather is finally starting to improve, which is nice because the birds are back. They woke me up at six this morning, which would have annoyed me on any other day, but listening to them sing and seeing the first traces of sunlight peek through the curtains was so soothing. Plus, it's hard to wake up in a bad mood when you are snuggled up against your warm husband, with your face buried in the back of his neck, listening to him breathing. As a bonus, the kitten had burrowed under the covers and was curled up in the small of my back, purring.

Life is good. I have to keep remembering that.

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