Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Picspam Time Again

I have been working happily (in my free time) on Kitten and Bunny's workbaskets. I made them cute measuring tapes based on the super cute ones from Tiny Apartment. Here is Bunny's measuring tape. 

Kitten's was really fun, after I figured the pattern out. 

It has been snowing here like CRAZY, which really bewildered our weatherman. Little Hawk has had his nose glued to the window, trying to measure it on the fence. Our kitties have been busy keeping cozy. 

Coraline loves to watch the snow too. 

Also, I was over at the Purl Bee when I realized that their store, Purl Soho, was having a massive yarn sale. IT"S STILL ON! RUN! GO! 
Anyway, I bought a beautiful ball of five-ply merino, which is reserved for a pair of thick socks for mwah. 

I was so excited when I opened my package this morning that I almost overlooked the extra bag at the bottom. What is this? 
Free goodies!! Purl Soho threw in some beautiful hanks of crewel embroidery yarn! Perfect for a little Fair Isle work. 

 Last, but not least, I thought I'd let you peek into my sewing tin and take a look at some more stuff for workbaskets. 

I love this tin so much I sepia-d the picture! It keeps all of my thread safe and sound. Anyway, here is a knitting needle case for Kitten! It has strawberries on it. 

Interior, with some old needles trying to be models. 

I love the texture of this old cashmere sweater. It provides the perfect accent. 


  1. Your measuring tapes are adorable! I especially love the little embroidered paw pads on the kitty :) I'm honoured to have inspired this, thanks for following my blog!

  2. Oh my goodness! Those measuring tapes are the cutest things ever! BTW thanks for mentioning my sale!
