Friday, July 8, 2011

I Have Awesome Pants

About a week ago, Kitten gave me a pair of really awesome plaid pants. They weren't terribly blinding, a nice beige and red combo, and it even look like they fit. (I've been comfort eating. Don't look at me like that.)
Anyway, I decided to wear them yesterday, since the respite nurse was coming over and I was going to Knit Night. Anyway, I put on the pants, a relatively nice shirt, and my sunglasses, drove to pick up Kitten- and as I stepped out of the car, I was suddenly awash with absolute sureness in the fact that I was Cool.
 I was Super Cool and Awesome and I could feel the adoring glances of everyone in Safeway. I refused to let my slightly ragged cardigan with the hole in the elbow taint my glow of Cool.
I basked in my coolness for the rest of the afternoon, and it was very fun, especially when I got a free smoothie sample at Starbucks and one of the ladies at Knit Night brought cookies. It was a really, really nice day, and I'm going to do my best to cultivate that happiness for a few days more.

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