Thursday, March 3, 2011


Umelucky is having a marvelous sale in her shop! I went to check it out, even though I won't be able to spend any money until Saturday at the soonest. Oh My Goodness. I think she specifically found vintage items that I MUST HAVE, then put them on sale.
Vintage Ladies Hankies: I have collected these for years. The fragile ones I use as doilies, the more durable ones I use for their intended purpose....although I have lost a few to crying little girls when I worked at a grade school.   Having a hankie in one's pocket really IS invaluable. They are so useful.
Happy Apron: SO CUTE. I never used to be an apron person. Even if I wasn't now, this one would make me an apron person.
Red Walnut Sewing Kit: I can't afford this, but it is so amazing I had to show you. It's a tiny, walnut shaped locket that holds a thimble, pins and a needle. And it's even red!!!! I literally drooled for ten minutes, then dragged Little Hawk over to look too. *Sigh*
Spring Meadow Violet Creamer: My sister collects white china with violets on it, and I would love to get it for her.

Hopefully I will be able to wait until my paycheck comes in..... : D


  1. That walnut sewing kit is amazing. I love the measuring tapes from your previous post. Regarding my soaps, I'm trying to stock up for a craft show in April. Shortly after that, i'll be listing soaps in my shop. Have a great weekend!

  2. How do you make soaps?

    Considering the economy, I think I should begin making some of my own stuff. In about ten minutes, I plan to ask my neighbor about gardening. This way, my parents and I would be more self-sufficient in case anything happens.
