Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm sorry that I haven't posted a lot. I always mean to, but usually the times I think of good posts are the times I am out of reach of my computer. I really, really need an Ipad.

I've been ill for the last few weeks, and it got really bad over the weekend, infected kidneys, most likely. Anyone who asks me how I am is regretting it. : D

Anyway, I have been carding wool into roving and dying it merrily. Yesterday, since it was raining and I wanted to cheer myself up,  I took a break from the wool (and my homework) and dyed up eight skeins if the Fisherman's Wool that can be found in Fred Meyers. Since the yarn store in town is closing, that's the only local source of yarn I'm going to have, so I had better learn to cope. I got some really pretty colors.

As you can see, the dandelions are welcoming the wonderful sunshine that we have been enjoying today. Coraline has been enjoying it too. 

She's curled up on my favorite wool sweater. Luckily it's the same color that she is. 

My peat pots full of sprouts are really going to town. I planted the spring peas and the beans outside, and so far they are doing alright, but I don't trust the squash and ect for another week. The peppers aren't big enough to transplant, and I have had to replant tomato seeds because the cats pulled up all the starts and ate them. I may just buy starts at the Farmer's Market that starts in two weeks. 

My happy little carrots. 


Most cheering, though, is this bunch of volunteer tulips that popped up by the corner of the house. Surprise flowers are such a lovely bonus! 

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