Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tea-spiration Tuesday

              Today, I'm drinking Earl Grey. It's piping hot, rich, sweet, and flavorful, with half-n-half and four sugar cubes, in a silly Pemco NW Profile cup.
I found it in Seattle, and yes, my coffee order is always ridiculous. Baristas would hate me if I wasn't a good tipper. On a side note taking this picture prompted me to figure out the ISO settings on my camera. Bam! One hundred percent better photos. I feel like a technology god.

          Anyway, I like Earl grey because it has a complex flavor. I have two boxes, one by Twinings, which is my favorite tea brand EVER, and some decaf by The Republic of Tea, which is excellent, especially when I'm supposed to be in bed soon but want another cuppa. Traditionally, Earl Grey is a black tea, with bergamot oil added to enhance the flavor. Bergamot has a rich, bitter, piney-citrusy taste, and accents the dark earthiness of black tea beautifully. I like to add cream to it sometimes, to offset some of the earthier notes, but I have been informed that cream in tea is tea heresy. Oops.

           While I prefer to buy my tea from Twinings, there are lots of interesting handmade blends on Etsy, including ones with rose petals, lavender, lemon and even mint added! I happen to like this cute rubber stamp of a happy tea bag, and the nerd in me adores the quote on this mug. I've never mentioned this before, but I have a fascination with French macarons, and the Earl Grey macarons here make my mouth water.

            I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to tea. To me, every tea has a different effect and mood. Earl Grey  and its flavorful cousin, Lady Grey, speak to me of richness, the earthy taste speaking of nourishing, of the farms where the leaves are grown. The bergamot adds higher flavor notes that inspire thoughts of wealth and grandeur, of English women in satin and velvet drinking from bone white china. Its a powerful, intense tea that is an acquired taste.

           Well! What teas are you drinking today? What are they inspiring in you? What mug are they in? Please comment and join the conversation!


  1. Ahhhh. I wrote a pretty long post, and then Blogspot ate it. Let's try again, the short version.

    Hate bergamot. Love Assams and Ceylons (especially the Kandy region). Favorite current blend is of those two plus a touch of a Yunnan, which surprises me because I normally don't care for Yunnans. Fave decaf is a Ceylon. Never put milk in tea unless it has a strong Assam character; otherwise, I drink it plain.

  2. Also, screw Blogspot a second time for totally fucking up my username. This is Switchknitter from Rav. Let's try this again.

    1. Hi! :D
      I have several delightful ceylons in my giant box of tea, but i'm not sure I've had assam. Do you have any blends to suggest?
